Wondering about who I am and why Divorce TV? I answer a few commonly asked questions below.
1. Where did the inspiration come from for DivorceTV?
I started Divorce TV so I could share my divorce experiences offering you pain-free divorce strategies to help you come through the other side of divorce with what you want! I’m a finance specialist , a member of the Law Society and a Justice of the Peace so I also have the knowledge to offer specialist advice in these topics including dealing with the family court and managing paperwork and finances for divorce.
2. What major issues do you feel most people struggle with when going through divorce?
I think understanding your finances and really taking control of your divorce isn’t easy for many people so that’s why I offer the resources I do because I believe it’s so important and it isn’t hard once you know how. I believe you need to plan ahead and be prepared. Divorce is like a game of chess – you need a game plan!
3. What is your favourite quote?
“Dont let your EX decide on what you get from your dicorce! Take control!”
4. What are you most grateful for?
My children, our home and that we are all safe. I keep a daily gratitude journal and highly recommend you start one. Its empowering to be thankful and to have your visionboard!
I would love to hear your story too! Send me an email today or book in for a FREE 15 minute chat.