Don’t make these mistakes with your friends and let them drift away when you need to keep them close during your divorce!
Browsing CategoryMust-Know Coping Skills Let Lisa Dixon help you manage your divorce and teach you how to cope with all the highs and lows so you can move through the other side of divorce.
Let Lisa Dixon help you manage your divorce and teach you how to cope with all the highs and lows so you can move through the other side of divorce.
5 ways to keep the Christmas spirit alive for your kids – and you!
Christmas can be emotional when going through divorce, especailly if you are a parent. These 5 tips will help you survive – and thrive!
BEWARE GASLIGHTING! It can happen during divorce too.
Are you a victim of gaslighting without even knowing it? These are the signs of gaslighting and what you can do.
Turn Your Dreams into Reality!
Dream Big and start a Divorce Vision Board today. It will inspire you daily and help you plan for your future. I show you how!
About to go to court for the first time? These simple tips will help you through the day.
Let me get you ready for your first divorce court experience.
Top 3 money tips when you are going through divorce
These money tips are essential to consider when you are going through divorce.
3 coping skills to get you through divorce
These 3 skills are essential if you are to stay calm and in control through your divorce.
Win your case with a kick-ass affidavit!
Let me explain how to write a kick-ass affidavit to win your case!
The #1 strategy to reclaim your power from your Ex
You’ve heard about journaling but have you heard about divorce journaling?
3 Reasons why you MUST HAVE a Divorce Game Plan.
This is the most valuable lesson I can share with you! A roadmap through your divorce.