How to start new healthy habits and invest in you!

No matter what’s going on in your life, health should be a priority every day.

The health of your body and mind affects how you deal with the curve balls that life can throw at you.

Going through a divorce can create a lot of uncertainty, emotional turbulence and an added complexity to your life especially if you have kids. So how do you make health a priority every day?

It is likely you have pushed yourself and your health further to the bottom of the “to do” list and maybe in the process you have let go of some of your healthy habits or taken up some unhealthy ones.

Stress caused by negotiations and disagreements, or just change of lifestyle, can build up in your body. Although you may not notice how it is affecting you yet, it can have a detrimental effect on your physical and mental health.

Do you prioritise your health every day?

So what do you do for yourself every day in order to feel energised, calm and confident?

Even taking small moments a few times a day to centre yourself, clear your mind, and stay present can benefit you.

So this year, choose to start some new healthy habits and set yourself small achievable health goals that will energise you and calm the mind.

Taking on too much at once can overwhelm you. Creating new healthy habits requires consistency but there is no time like the present to start.

Tips on forming a new healthy habit:

  • Keep it small and simple
  • Do it the same time every day or every week
  • Stack your habits (attach to another you already have)
  • Focus on one at a time
  • Reward yourself

Read more about habits HERE.

Here are a few new healthy habits to consider this year to improve your health and keep your stress levels down:

  • Get enough sleep. Decide on the best sleep routine for you and stick with it. Consider how you wind down and if you need to change it up create new habits like earlier nights, less technology before bed and a calming routine to help you wind down.
  • Schedule some calm time every day. Whatever time of the day works best, make sure you can take time out on your own. First thing in the morning for a walk, some stretches or a meditation. Sit on a rock by the sea, write in your journal or take your dog for a walk…whatever allows you to centre yourself and clear the head.
  • Move your body. What new fitness class or healthy hobby can you take up this year? What movement can you insert into your daily routine so you move more? If allocating a one hour blog each day doesn’t seem achievable, maybe two 15 minute blocks works better. Something is better than nothing.
  • Consider what you are putting in your body. How are your eating habits? Do you need to be inspired with some new healthy recipes or take up the habit of a green smoothie every morning? Get inspired by finding some new blogs to read or a new book that motivates you to eat better. What about quitting sugar? Choose one change at a time and commit.
  • Do you need to rid your life of toxins? Have you considered that your health may be affected by toxins in your home or the products you put on your body? You can make some simple changes at home to create a healthier environment and eliminating toxic ingredients in your beauty routine decreases the toxins your body has to deal with every day.

Visit my blog Beautyful Naturally and follow me on Instagram for lots of inspiration on low-tox beauty, body and home care prodcucts.

Life challenges like divorce can put a strain on your physical and mental health. Making health a priority every day should be ongoing throughout your life but now more than ever you need to invest in yourself and make healthy habits part of your daily routine.


Lisa McLean inspires families to improve their health by eliminating toxin-filled products from the home.

Visit her website Beautyful Naturally HERE and follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

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